Self Directed LLC

Enterprise™ Self Directed 401k LLC

A Limited Liability Company or LLC sponsors the Enterprise™ self directed 401k. The intent of this product design is to help you fund and expand passive investments within self directed retirement portfolio. Most of the plans offered today even though they call themselves self directed 401k plans do not offer participants of the plan to invest in non-traditional assets such as real estate, gold, notes and many other desired investment opportunities. This model allows you an investor to determine if and how much of the corporation should be with self directed 401k dollars.

As the CEO of the company you have the power to allow each participant checkbook control of their funds.

Another unique offering of this product is the ability to partner with IRAs. There may be situations where a participant has a Roth IRA and would like to participate in an investment his self directed 401k account is funding our unique design allows for multi plan participation.

What Your Plan Comes With
  • walltomainstreetFavorable determination letter from IRS
  • walltomainstreetSetup of LLC
  • walltomainstreetFiling of state articles by AES
  • walltomainstreetFiling for Corp EIN with IRS by AES
  • walltomainstreetLLC operating agreement
  • walltomainstreetSetup and operating guide
  • walltomainstreetUnit certificates
  • walltomainstreetMeeting Records (initial and annual)
  • walltomainstreetBanking authorizations for checking account
  • walltomainstreetCreation of 401k plan documents
  • walltomainstreetFiling of 401k EIN
  • walltomainstreetComplete set of plan documents with all necessary forms and guides
  • walltomainstreetAssistance and guidance in the rollover of current plan to new self directed plan
  • walltomainstreetAssistance and guidance in setup of checking account or use our partner bank
  • walltomainstreetUnlimited Advisor consulting for plan setup and operation
How it Works


Setup Process
  • walltomainstreetCreate the entity, the Limited Liability Company. Our attorneys will create the entity with the appropriate state
  • walltomainstreetCreate the Plan (Trust with Plan documents). Our attorneys will create the plan and file with the IRS
  • walltomainstreetRollover monies from IRA or 401K to your self directed 401k
  • walltomainstreetSetup Checking Accounts for the Company and the Plan
  • walltomainstreetMake direct investments as directed by the plan participant(s)

Blog Posts

Top 5 Self-Directed IRA Myths

At Asset Exchange Strategies, LLC we have had conversations with potential self-directed IRA clients many thousands of times and the myths continue to live on after 20 years in the business. Some things like Sasquatch or area 51 seem to perpetuate in people’s minds without any substantial evidence the concept is correct or myth. Let’s […]

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